Do you know how much it costs to get a cow to market? Do you know how many people could be fed by using that land to grow grains and beans and other non-meat things? Would you rather starve than not eat meat?
Futurely meat plants will close for lack of carnivores. Vegans and vegetarians will be the only ones who survive.
How long will that take? Decades or longer but starvation lies ahead as well as lack of water. Eventually. What we do it about today will help/hurt those who live in the future.
The longer we delay the inevitable the harder it will be. When do homo saps EVER think futurely and start working on it TODAY? Climate change? Hahahaha. Joke there. Not funny.
Planning for pandemics? Had it all set and in place to activate when needed priorly but it was gotten rid of by someone whose only goal was to DESTROY. He probably didn't realize what he was destroying or its significance. Gaining more knowledge is for those who don't know everything already. That did not apply to him.
So it goes. We KNOW now what will happen. What do we DO NOW?