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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » OPEN WIDE! Opening up the country while we are in the throes of the disease is a VERY REPUBLICAN THING TO DO. MONEY OVER LIVES! Money honey?

OPEN WIDE! Opening up the country while we are in the throes of the disease is a VERY REPUBLICAN THING TO DO. MONEY OVER LIVES! Money honey?

Life is worth sh** to repubaccans. Life is worth sh** to da big cheese. MONEY is where it's at. SHOW ME THE MONEY.

We know that. Da big cheese is all about money. The more he can steal take cheat to get the happier a clam he is..even at low tide.

Distinct proof of LOVE OF and WORSHIP FOR money over lives. Who love's ya baby?

Give me money or give me death
Don't shoot till you see the green of the money
If eyes were made for seeing money is its own excuse for being
How do we love money? Let us count the ways
There is nothing so beautiful as money
Money makes the world go around
Judge not  the content of character. Judge only the amount of wealth. RICH is the all. Other than is the nothing
A rich man dies a thousand deaths...a poor man dies but one
To be or not to be MIDAS. To have or not to have the Golden Goose. Seek and ye shall find. MONEY

Thou shalt have NO OTHER GODS before money

It takes money to confer status on anyone...however you get it..beg borrow steal it. With money you are SOMEONE. Without it?

Honor thy money
Respect thy money
Protect thy money
Sacrifice a life for thy money
Worship money
Praise money
Live for money

Posted - May 10, 2020
