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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The potential for HEAVEN ON EARTH is there. Possible probable doable achievable. REPUBLICAN MAJORITY IN HOUSE SENATE WHITE HOUSE! Your hope?

The potential for HEAVEN ON EARTH is there. Possible probable doable achievable. REPUBLICAN MAJORITY IN HOUSE SENATE WHITE HOUSE! Your hope?

The first two years da big cheese had it all and did nothing with it. In mid-term elections he lost the HOUSE and look what he's done DESPITE IT? Now that his rear is in gear and he got rid of or is getting rid of all the obstacles think of what he will do accomplish achieve with a COMPLETE REPUBLICAN GUBMENT to lie down beg whimper roll over play dead?

His plan is to bring back everyone who lied for him about anything. A good liar is a terrible thing to waste.

He will reward the best liar of the day and have a ceremony to medal him/her.

It will be splendiferous magnificent glorious meritorious.

Are ya ready for it?

Posted - May 11, 2020
