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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The dull Florida gubner blames the media for "overplaying" the pandemic. Florida has 41,000 cases. How many died?

The dull Florida gubner blames the media for "overplaying" the pandemic. Florida has 41,000 cases. How many died?

How did the media achieve that? Bonehead dumbhead carries on oblivious to how very stupid dumb he is. Allegedly the PEAK of surge of infections won't be reached in Florida till mid-June? On the rise upward and upward and upward and the dumbhead keeps opening wider blaming the media for overhype. How much dumber can be get than that? His supporters DESERVE HIM and those who don't have my sincere condolences. That is what comes of electing a stupid dumb. Enough people DIE and guess what? Instead of De Santis his name will be MUD. I can  hardly wait for his comeuppance. Sad about the victims of his stupid dumb. You?

Posted - May 11, 2020
