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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Hide in plain sight. The "deep state" about which da big cheese conspiracy theoried is the one he made via the big bad BARR! HAR?

Hide in plain sight. The "deep state" about which da big cheese conspiracy theoried is the one he made via the big bad BARR! HAR?

Making LIAR General Mike Flynn INNOCENT. HOW? He lied to pence and the FBI which liddlebillybarrroycohn did not question but the liddlebillybarrroycohn fake AG said "it wasn't MATERIAL".

In one stroke he undid the Mueller investigation and now methodically will retrace all steps to undo everything that was done in the name of JUSTICE BEING SERVED. AND will persecute and prosecute all the movers and shakers and MATERIAL players. Watch. JUSTICE da big cheese style will replace the JUSTICE that was temporarily achieved once upon a time...yesterday. All our troubles seemed so far away. Now we find they're here to stay but we believe in yesterday anyway.

Hide in plain sight. Right in front of your nose. Getting away with the hidden deep state overthrow of the American way of life, The Constitution and everything we ever sought and stood for. OUT THE DOOR! GONE! POOF! Monstruous CHUTZPAH to do it out in the open in front of GOD and everyone.

What could be a better way than that to pull the wool over the eyes of all the adoring worshipful sheeple? None. Clever. Crafty. Shafty. Daffy. Crappy. Sappy.

What other gawdawful despicability is da big cheese pulling off in front of your noses do you supposes?

Posted - May 11, 2020
