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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Is the only animal that bites the hand that feeds it the homo sap? Don't most animals know when you are trying to help them?

Is the only animal that bites the hand that feeds it the homo sap? Don't most animals know when you are trying to help them?

The homo sap marches in protest against those who are actively trying to protect them and save their lives. Go figger!

Well the only someone who think homo saps are intelligent are the unintelligent homo saps. They pride themselves on their BRILLIANCE GENIUS WISDOM. But rail against those whose only goal is to protect them.

How does that make any sense to anyone anywhere with a brain?

Answer me that if you can!

Posted - May 13, 2020


  • 10795

    Homo Saipan’s are strange creatures.  They despise captivity.  They see (and use) it as a punishment.  Yet they voluntarily sit inside tiny cubicles or small offices 40 hours a week, 50 weeks a year.  Homo Saipan’s detest anyone telling them what they can and cannot do, and yet they insist on having laws stating what they can and cannot do.  Yet they only want then to apply to other Homo Saipan’s – not themselves.  Of all the creatures on the planet, Homo Saipan’s have the most intelligence, yet they intentionally destroy their own habitat and poison their own food and water supplies - and then complain about it.    They are driven by greed and lust.  They claim that their highest value is life, yet they will readily kill/destroy anyone or anything (including their own kind) simply to obtain wealth, power, and/or procreation rights.

    Homo Saipan’s not only bite the hand that feeds them, they chew it up, spit it out and then auction off the debris on eBay.

      May 13, 2020 10:16 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Nicely stated Shuhak. I agree of course. How does one effectively disagree with TRUTH logically stated and supported by PROOF EVIDENCE FACTS? One can't. Well this one can't. Sapiens..."showing wisdom or sound judgment". Some Homos are Sapiens but not those who adore da big cheese. They are subspecies..saponins. I'm going to inform them and they probably won't be too happy about it. They are not wise nor sound since they are all wackadoodlenoodle crackpots. But at least now I know what they are. Here we go! :)
      May 14, 2020 2:07 AM MDT