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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Do you appreciate being informed or do you get on your hgh horse because you don't want anyone telling YOU what to do?

Do you appreciate being informed or do you get on your hgh horse because you don't want anyone telling YOU what to do?

Tell  me how I can improve my health? Screw you.
Tell  me how I can improve the health of my children? Screw you.
Share with me what you've discovered that is of great benefit? Who the he** do you think you are?

I dunno. Some folks are like that. Belligerent. Hostile. Obstinate. Obdurate. Antagonistic. Always looking for a fight. 24/7. Why do they go through life seeking what harms them and ignoring what could help them if they would only pay attention? And then they attack the folks are try to help as if they are the enemy. Crazy nuts or just masochistic? Chip on the shoulder? Chip off the old block? Crappy parents? Crappy life? Crappy husband crappy wife? I don't get it.

Posted - May 14, 2020
