Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Who is the BIGGEST BULLY you've ever heard of at any period in history? Who is the BIGGEST BULLY you have personally encountered?

Who is the BIGGEST BULLY you've ever heard of at any period in history? Who is the BIGGEST BULLY you have personally encountered?

Are you bully on bullies and adore them or are you antibully and abhor them? Anyone ever bully you or try to? What do you do back? Turn the other cheek? Or attack back biglier and betterer?

Posted - May 15, 2020


  • 6023
    I would have to say the US is the biggest bully I can think of.
    Pretty much our entire history after the Revolution, has been the US trying to be a world power and force other nations to do as it wants.

    The biggest bully I personally encountered, was back in elementary school.
    I don't recall his name, but he terrorized my friends and I (and others) every recess.
    Until one day I brought my dad's hunting knife, and when he pinned me to a wall I pressed the knife to his gut and told him if he didn't leave us alone I would kill him.
    He never bothered my friends or I after that ... though he did continue to terrorize other kids.

    By high school, I had learned to "laugh off" minor bullies.
    Though there was one who was such an annoyance, I finally put thumbtacks on his chair.
    The idiot never checked before he sat down.  Wound up with a (literal) buttload of tacks stuck in him.
    He also left me alone, after that.

    In my 20s, there was a guy I worked with who was built like a linebacker and was a bully.
    I was his supervisor, and he didn't appreciate that he had been passed over.
    He threatened to beat me up over it.
    I told him he better kill me, because when I recovered I would build a bomb and blow him up.  (I knew how, and he knew that.)
    He immediately apologized and that was the last time he "acted up" around me.
      May 15, 2020 7:10 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Wow Walt! Methinks I hit a nerve my friend. Thank you for the detailed way in which you shared your thoughts with us. Very informative and very helpful to me personally. You were never shy and introverted were you Walt? Thought that initial bully bothered you at first you made it clear to him who was boss and he backed off. I use being an introvert as an excuse for being quiet/afraid when I should have screamed my head off. I remember in grammar school one girl particularly disliked me. So she taunted me at recess. My sixth grade teacher I will always despise detest. I've spoken of that before so I won't go into it again. When you're a child things hurt so much more and intimidate you into silence. There was a guy at a company I  at which worked. Inadvertently I came out on top of something I didn't even realize was going on. The president of the company liked to pit people against each other. He gave us each the same project and my results came out much closer to what really occurred than his. The task was to project out to the end of the year the profits we might expect to get. Not an onerous task. I started with the facts to date as my base and then I simply extrapolated. He used to be a pal but boy being shown up by a woman permanently changed him. It was certainly unintentional because I had no clue till after the fact. I had a female boss who wasn't really a bully. She was manic depressive or whatever they call it these days. She couldn't help it. So I don't really count that. Other than that I've been lucky to have a pretty bullyfree life so far. You are brave but I think males usually are braver than females. I don't know if that is inherent or that we learn our place is being taken care of and protected. As far as our country which president? Headcheese? I have heard that Lyndon Johnson was very much a bully and I think Nancy Pelosi has to have a tendency to bully to hold her caucus together but I can't be sure. I'd like to have you in my corner if a bully showed up and threatened me. I wonder what headcheese has up his sleeve for us today? How are you and your family doin't shelter in place wise? :)
      May 15, 2020 7:32 AM MDT

  • 6023
    Actually, I am shy and introverted.
    And I put up with a lot of bullying while growing up, without fighting back, because of that.

    As I said, by high school I learned to laugh it off. 
    I found if I could laugh at myself, bullies didn't get the pleasure of laughing at me - so they would leave me alone.  (Well, more than otherwise.)

    But once I've reached my limit - look out.  
    I've been told I have a short fuse ... but I'm slow to light it.
      May 15, 2020 12:43 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Shy and introverted? Just like me? Really? I don't know your age Walt but did you "skip" any grades making you younger than the other kids and also a target for being thought odd? Just wondering. It's hard enough being shy and introverted on its own all alone. Add to that being singled out as "different" is not helpful. But well we survived it. As for anger a lot of stuff that used to bother me doesn't any longer.I've learned to avoid people who bring out the worst in me for my own protection. When I get VERY ANGRY it is not pleasant for anyone. I used to more often but now? Not so much. Thank you for your reply. I wonder what headcheese will do today to shock and awe? :( This post was edited by RosieG at May 16, 2020 2:38 AM MDT
      May 16, 2020 1:59 AM MDT

  • 6023
    I didn't skip any grades.
    Where I attended school, the district didn't have that option.
    They only introduced "advanced placement" classes during my junior year in high school.

    If I had that option, I probably could have.  
    I finished in the top 5% of Washington high school graduates, without even trying - many of my books were unopened, unless I had to get the homework from the end of the chapter.

    But no ... my "problems" were that I was a nerd/geek.
    Also, I wasn't into sports - which meant the gym teachers looked the other way, when I was bullied in their class.
    (so I feel a bit of sympathy towards kids who get pushed to the point of mass murder, to get back at their tormentors in school - as I could have very easily gone that route.  I considered numerous plans to do so, at the time.)
      May 18, 2020 8:18 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Funny how nerds/geek gather together when they encounter one another isn't it? I've always been a nerd(not the number 1 definition in the dictionary hopefully...the second one)...I don't know about geek. Isn't a geek someone who bites off the heads of chickens. Oddball square peg etcetera etcera etcetera. There are other nerds here too Walt as I'm sure you've noticed. And some who are not fond of our kind/ilk. I was always chosen last in gym(it must be way worse for guys) because on top of everything else I was awkward clumsy not remotely athletic. But we survived and here we are talking and chatting like everyone else. Well maybe not quite like "everyone else" but quite like other nerds. Thank you for your informative reply. It reveals more about you which I always enjoy since I'm an open book all the time about everything it's nice to encounter others who are willing share whom they are, were, aspire to be. Thank you for your reply Walt and Happy Monday to thee! :) This post was edited by RosieG at May 18, 2020 8:36 AM MDT
      May 18, 2020 8:33 AM MDT