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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Russians never stopped working on rigging our elections. They're busy rigging 2020 to reinstall our headcheese prez. YA LIKE?

Russians never stopped working on rigging our elections. They're busy rigging 2020 to reinstall our headcheese prez. YA LIKE?

Well headcheese is getting more and more desperate.

What's the most desperate think you think he will do to distract divert transform redirect?

He said he could shoot someone and nothing would happen to him. He would get away with it.

What if he goes to the Supremes and shoots dead every liberal? How would liddlebillybarrroycohn react to that? Well he'd tell that a sitting president cannot be held liable for anything he does or says. He is immune for liability and further cannot even be charged.

Now wouldn't y'all love that? Then he'd visit the HOUSE and shoot dead all Democrats. In the Senate he go and  shoot dead all the Democrats. Then he start on the voters. He comes to our homes and shoot us dead too.

Oh wait a minit. He is a yellowbellied chickendung COWARD who fake bonespurred his way out of serving his country in the military FIVE times.

Restate the obvious.

The headcheese will ORDER his militiahead weaponized wackadoodlenoodle crackpots who are waiting for all his dog whistles to be BLOWN LOUD in the order as stated SHOOT ALL DEMOCRATS DEAD! NO EXCEPTIONS.

What will he be doing in the meantime? Being interviewed on Faux and Friends bragging about cleaning house and wanting 24/7 a** pats for draining the swamp as he promised to drain the swamp. He'll take a victory leap once all democrats everywhere are DEAD.

Who sill charge him try him convict him punish him? Over that fat ugly warthog dead body of liddlebillbarrroycohn who will imprison anyone who says a negative word about the  headcheese activities. He is due being happy. It turns him on bigly. Nothing else and no one can do for him what he does for himself. What makes him happy? First himself of course. Then dead and dying Democrats. Give him what he wants. Just give headcheese whatever he wants and y'all will all go down to the beach and have huge hearty party booze and all. Headcheese will be so happy he will even hoist a few with you drunks and relax. The date is unknown put what the he** put it on your calendar for every day starting now. Wouldn't want to miss that wouldja huh? Better than any staged photo ops in the Rose Garden or in the Oval Office.

Posted - May 15, 2020


  • 35039
    They started in 1950s and never stopped goal it to make Americans doubt the election system and to fight.
      May 15, 2020 2:41 PM MDT