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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Here's what headcheese plans to do on Memorial Day! He won't mention a word about the dead. What will he talk about instead?

Here's what headcheese plans to do on Memorial Day! He won't mention a word about the dead. What will he talk about instead?

Himself of course. Well here's what's gonna happen so you will have the inside scoop

He will ask each of you to prepare a list of everything he has ever done for you and how grateful you are and appreciative too. That list should include accolades and atta boys and compliments galore and verbal a**patting.

The one with the longest list wins a prize TBD.

He never wants to hear bad news which is why he avoids truth at all costs. He refuses to be the bearer of bad news which is why he is always so upbeat and cheerful telling people what will make them happy, not un and regaling them with visions of glory success and happiness. WINNING.

Exciting ain't it? Start your list now. By Memorial Day you will have thousands of items and possibly maybe perhaps WIN THE PRIZE. Get ready. Get so. GO!

Posted - May 16, 2020
