Could it have anything at all to do with the way the powers that be handled the problem early on?
Ignored being informed MONTHS before any real action was taken
Still behind the 8-ball and ignoring all warnings about the possibility of premature opening and the consequences
Indifference ignorance and partisan politics put first and foremost to INSURE the re-election of the powers that be. The most important thing to the powers that be is staying on in that job which has afforded him a lifestyle to which he would never have been exposed! It is the power that has addicted him to it. It is the ability to revenge vendetta retaliate 24/7 without anyone stopping him that has him obsessed. Once he tasted that power there was no getting through to him. The powers that be is now operating all alone on his own aided and abetted when necessary for show only by fake AG liddlebillybarrroycohn, the toady sycophant repubbaccans in house and senate and most especially all the adoring worhippers to whom his very breath is precious. More so than anything else ever was is or could be. An armada of singleminded purpose. SIGH. Who could ask for anything more?