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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » IF the surges come back like vengeful TSUNAMIS will red states shut back down again or will they stay the course and ignore it?

IF the surges come back like vengeful TSUNAMIS will red states shut back down again or will they stay the course and ignore it?

Can't get the powers that be in America all RILED UP and angry can we? No matter the cost he says vaccine or no vaccine WE'RE BACK and he ain't just whistling Dixie. HE MEANS IT.

Other leaders of other countries are taking COVID 19 very SERIOUSLY! Lucky citizens of those countries. Meanwhile in America THE SKY'S LIMIT in our growth and success and we will come back bigger and better than ever very soon. Per the powers that be. Trust him. Trust in him. Listen only to him. All will be well. You'll see. Because he says so.

H did say the Dems were politicizing the virus a few months ago. He said it was just another HOAX. He jokes pholkes while people die. You know why? He is the only one who matters to him and his  dying on the vine and drowning occupoies 100% of his time. If he doesn't get re-elected for a second term he will dog whistle to start a civil war and riots. He promised Armageddon if he didn't get re-elected. I think he could pull it off. Do you?

Posted - May 18, 2020


  • 34934
    I do not think the people will allow it. We have data from other states and even countries that did not shutdown at all and they are fairing just as well if not better than those that did. 
      May 18, 2020 6:38 AM MDT