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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » While true that some COVID 19 survivors recover completely it is also true that some do not. Did you know that??

While true that some COVID 19 survivors recover completely it is also true that some do not. Did you know that??

The virus can attach itself to different organs and damage them. Lung scarring, heart damage and neurological/mental health effects can be long term or permanent. During it there can be strokes, blood clots, heart attacks.

Since we have not yet experienced COVIC 19 it is unknown what other long-term effects/damage could result. We will find that out as learning is occurring with experiencing.

It is not a normal anything. It is deadly serious.

Any of you GOOGLE it yet to find out more information or are you very satisfied with what the powers that be allows you to learn about it per his prior "briefings" assuming what the powers that be says is all based on FACTS TRUTH EVIDENCE. Well we know it isn't.

I cannot imagine any of you refusing to investigate what's out there and learn for yourself what the danger is. I know. It's only when you test that you find out you have cases. No testing no cases. It takes a wise extremely stable genius to come up with that. If that satisfies you then by all means keep your heads buried in the sand. You could be lucky. What you don't know doesn't exist. What doesn't exist can't possibly harm you. And so it goes.

Posted - May 18, 2020
