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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » It's very worrisome. Jerome Powell Fed chairman said the Fed has a lot more ways to help. It can print money digitally and otherly. WHAT?

It's very worrisome. Jerome Powell Fed chairman said the Fed has a lot more ways to help. It can print money digitally and otherly. WHAT?

He said we can borrow money and increase our debt. That reducing the debt is something we should be doing when the economy is healthy and doing well but right now as we incur more debt we shouldn't worry about it.

I worry about it. I know finance at his level is very difference than at my level. But I can't print money either tangibly or digitally. I am not good for borrowing billions of dollars. I could never repay it and no one would extend that kind of credit to me in the first place. I know what happen at home. I have X dollars coming in. The dollars going out must be no more than that and better yet less than that. I can always cut back on some things. Eliminate wants for sure and just take care of the needs. Emergencies arise on that small level too and well you hope you have enough set aside in an emergency fund to take care of it.

But our government seems to be able to spend money on so many things at once...huge amounts...and now with more outgoing do we cut back on other things to make it work or just spend money on everything and worry about paying it back later? I don't know how to do that. I have never had to "borrow" more than I could pay back and then tell myself I'd worry about it later.

Posted - May 19, 2020
