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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » If homo saps were trustworthy we wouldn't such strict "governance". If we were ideal what ideal society would you expect to be??

If homo saps were trustworthy we wouldn't such strict "governance". If we were ideal what ideal society would you expect to be??

Posted - May 19, 2020


  • 6023
    If we were ideal ... we wouldn't need a government.
    We wouldn't have wars, there wouldn't be a need for environmental or workplace regulations.
    There wouldn't be a need for building codes or law enforcement.
    There would be no discrimination, homeless, or any form of abuse.

    We would be a global society of individuals, doing their own thing while respecting everyone else and the environment.

    Of course, that also means we probably wouldn't have progressed beyond the hunter-gatherer phase of development.

      May 19, 2020 11:52 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Which would you d'ruther? Be ideal or continue on the path we have? I dunno. Doesn't seem that hard a choice for me personally. Thank you for your thoughtful reply Walt. Perhaps you might like to try it. What could it hurt? :)
      May 19, 2020 1:29 PM MDT

  • 6023
    I'd prefer somewhere in the middle.
    Like those utopian societies in science fiction where they've moved past the point of conflict (at least on their home world) and care for the environment.

    btw - I read a funny trivia today.  In the 19th century, before modern electronics ... they had an "internet".  Yup.  People used the telegraph for social networking and trying to find dates.  LOL  Can you imagine trying to find a date via a telegraph?  Talk about a "party line".  HA!
      May 19, 2020 2:18 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Well when CAPITALISM is the driving force be-all, end-all and raison d'etre for being no utopia is gonna survive. Selfish greedy is the underlying structure. Me me me me me me me first. is the pledge. But back in the day I guess homo saps weren't that selfish or greedy or avaricious or malicious or atrociously indifferent to the welfare of others. Homo saps will never evolve to be noble. Here and there of course nobility shines through but in the main greed and self-interest always trumps everything else. Homo saps are a very disappointing experiment. SIGH. Guess today the glass is half-empty Walt. As for the "internet" of telegraph? That is very funny to me because trying to hook up I thought was a modern day convention. Back in the day women were courted and there was a protocol that people (the genteel) followed rigorously. Or so it seems. Thank you for your reply Walt. I'd never "hook up" via the internet. You don't have a clue what you are dealing with. Could be a charlatan or a harlot. Too scairdy cat be me to ever do that. Happy Wednesday! :)
      May 20, 2020 2:47 AM MDT