You still believe the virus never happened and it was all a Dem hoax to make the powers that be look real bad.
You don't believe anyone died from it contacted it because it doesn't exist. Sure people have died but from other things. Another hoax folkes just to make the powers that be seem to be a liar a fool an incompetent an idiot. Right?
So numbers are meaningless since they represent a DEM fantasy and you will continue to ignore them and follow through with everything the powers that be tells you to do.
Inject Chlorox in your body
Take Hydrochlorox tablets because the deadly side effects are all bogus and non-existent
Gather together in dense situations of hordes and mobs of other likeminded ilk without masks or gloves or distancing. Do what the powers that be do. NOTHING
Ignore all the hype. it isn't really happening. Hook up with the powers that be and only follow his tweets. You cannot rely on FAUX news with a Neil Cavuto infecting the place with lies. FAUX is not what it used to be BUT the powers that be is exactly what he always was. Your source of truth. YOUR ROCK OF AGES. Focus on him 24/7 and ll will be fine.
See how easy it is?