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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Will the states that are wide open and currently surging virus infections close down again or do they NOT DARE DO SO?

Will the states that are wide open and currently surging virus infections close down again or do they NOT DARE DO SO?

If they do close down again they are admitting the scientists were CORRECT and the powers that be was WRONG and that will never happen as long as the powers that be controls them.

So they keep opening wider as surging EXPLODES upward and they run out of front line workers. Eyes straight ahead. Keep moving keep moving keep moving keep moving?

Then we have the surge in fall coupled with the latest flu iteration to deal with on top of it.

Sounds like a barrel of monkeys fun. Hope my state isn't one of them but ya never know.

Meanwhile keep the faith baby and do what you're told and do not try to think. That is outside your arsenal. Listen obey listen obey listen obey listen obey! OKAY!

Posted - May 20, 2020
