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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » At one time there were 5.2 million participants searching for intelligent life "out there somewhere". SETI@HOME installations. Heard of it?

At one time there were 5.2 million participants searching for intelligent life "out there somewhere". SETI@HOME installations. Heard of it?

In Mountain View, California November 24, 1984 SETI was incorporated. It began operations February 1, 1985. NASA and the NSF (National Science Foundation) use it as a source for information. There are participants all over the world working on the project. Parkes Observatory in Australia. The Arecio Observatory in Puerto Rico. The Robert C Byrd Telescope in Green Bank West Virginia. Various names were assigned to the various projects. PHOENIX, SERENDIP, BETA, NMETA, ITALIA. In Lofar,Norway is a participant.

It is impossible to imagine a day when all of this will shut down and homo saps will walk away from the search and move on.

We know there is a great deal we do not know. Which means believing something is impossible to achieve is impossible to know in the present. All we have to do is look at what we have now and what we had 100 years ago 0r 1000 years ago. All of that was "impossible" then but here we are. We have no idea what we will accomplish or whom we will be futurely.

I think it's unwise to close a door you've never really opened all the way.

Posted - May 22, 2020
