Discussion » Questions » Health and Wellness » Anyone here recover from COVID or know someone who has? How many times can it resurge before you're actually well?

Anyone here recover from COVID or know someone who has? How many times can it resurge before you're actually well?

I've been mostly bedridden since 5/15 with COVID symptoms. I'd heard that sometimes it would clear up and then come back, but now I can't find any reference to that anywhere. That's what I experienced. I felt about 95% better one day last week- my only symptoms were mild fatigue and swollen lymph nodes. I felt so good I got up and started scrubbing my house. Within about 24 hours, my fever and chills were back though.

I can see how easy it might be for someone to think they're well and go out and spread it during one of these lulls.

Do any of you have info on what causes them, how many times it can happen, etc? Or how you can tell if you're really well?

Posted - May 24, 2020


  • 5808
    Hopefully you rise above 
    it all and embrace your healing
    Take care and be well...
      May 24, 2020 10:05 AM MDT

  • 10052
    I personally only know 2 people who had confirmed cases. One died, the other recovered after a week in the hospital. Both were about 70 years old. The one who died was in much better general health. 

    If you haven't been, I would suggest that you get tested! If you've tested positive, or even if you believe you were positive, I believe that the current recommendation to be considered "all clear" is no fever for 72 hours and an improvement in respiratory symptoms and/or 2 consecutive negative tests. 

    Sending you good thoughts and positive energy for a full recovery!
      May 24, 2020 10:21 AM MDT

  • 7939
    Thank you for sharing and for the well wishes.

    I'm not well enough to drive myself to a testing site and don't have anyone to take me, so that's not really an option. All the same, I feel like the tests are better saved for people who "need" them more than I do since there's still a shortage. It doesn't really matter if I have it or not- the treatment isn't going to change and I seem to be managing ok. 
      May 24, 2020 10:35 AM MDT

  • 10052
    Did you do a tele-medicine visit? I know a couple of people who did that and were advised to just isolate themselves and monitor. One person I know was advised to go for test and it came back negative. If I became ill, I think I'd do what you're doing, given that there doesn't seem to be any way of knowing if you're immune once you've had it and if so, for how long. No doubt thousands have had it/will have it and never be tested. 

    I know you know this, but please get help if you start to have breathing trouble, etc. Not feeling well enough to drive sounds pretty bad! 

      May 24, 2020 10:49 AM MDT

  • 7939
    That has been the general medical advice- if you're not in a high-risk group, treat it like the flu- stay home, drink fluids, etc. So, that's what I've been doing. I didn't do a telemedicine visit either. I really don't see the point. It's not a severe enough case to warrant formal medical care. But I am good and recovering. I just thought it was so weird that I felt great for a day or so and regressed. I wondered how many times that could happen since I'd never had it happen with any other illness.
      May 25, 2020 10:27 PM MDT

  • 10718
    I know several people who have/had it.  YES it can resurge!!!  It has a nasty habit of letting you think you're over it (5-10 days) then WHAM!  It hits you like a sledgehammer. 
    - My brother and his wife were super sick with it for several weeks.  The got to feeling better after about a week and a half, then WHAM!  It hit harder than the first. 
    - A man from my church got it (he was an extremely fit and healthy school coach) .  After 2 weeks he felt much better then - WHAM!  he was in the hospital fighting to breathe.
    - My niece's husband got it, but he never got extremely sick.  2 weeks later he was fine again.  
    - Another person I know has it.  He started feeling better 3 days ago (enough to go and mow the lawn).  Now he's extremely sick with it again.

    This thing affects people differently, so there is no definite answer to your questions.   The best thing is to rest longer than you would with a "normal" virus... just in case.

      May 24, 2020 11:41 AM MDT

  • 7939
    Woah- it comes back after a two-week break?!? That's crazy. 

    I am feeling good again today but I didn't get up and do stuff because I was afraid I'd send myself back into it again. I don't know if I can lay low for two weeks though. Ugh. That is insane. Hope everyone you mentioned is doing well now!
      May 25, 2020 10:29 PM MDT

  • 34758
    I do not know anyone personally who has had it.  I know a couple of people who think they may have had it but did not bother to get a test.  So could have been or could have been the regular flu which was also ready nasty this year. 

    My Dad did say he has a cousin in AZ who does have it confirmed with a test but it is not a serious case (last I heard) This  was a least a week ago.  

    Glad you are feeling better.  :)
      May 24, 2020 12:41 PM MDT

  • 7939
      May 25, 2020 10:30 PM MDT

  • 17629
    I don't know anyone who has had it.  There are quite a few articles such as this one


    that makes it seem possible.

    I didn't know you were sick with it either.  My best wishes for the return of your good health.  I hope you have help with your family.
      May 24, 2020 4:18 PM MDT

  • 7939
    Thank you.
      May 25, 2020 10:34 PM MDT

  • 2327
    Ah, I'm sorry to hear that. :(

    I personally know 2 people.

    A coworker in her sixties, she was off from work for around-about three weeks. I haven't spoken to her personally about her experience because I've never been really talkative with her beforehand, and there's only a small window of time to have a chat because she leaves about half-an-hour after I start anyway. 

    The other is male, thirty-two, and was a younger brother to one of my former classmate's. He had a stroke. When they got him to hospital they discovered many other blood clots caused by covid. He died soon afterwards. According to his mother, he was feeling unwell for weeks, she kept telling him to go to hospital but he wouldn't. 

    I seriously recommend you get to an ER. Average time from onset of symptoms to hospitalization is 10 days. Don't waste any time, JA. 
      May 24, 2020 9:22 PM MDT

  • 7939
    Appreciate the concern, Righty. Not everyone who gets it needs to be hospitalized though. That would be overkill for someone like me. I've been sick, but it's akin to having a bad case of the flu and any breathing-related symptoms were mild. I'm back to feeling good again but laying low for a bit longer to make sure it stays gone this time, if that's even possible. 
      May 25, 2020 10:37 PM MDT

  • 2327
    How do you feel now? 
      May 28, 2020 11:43 AM MDT

  • 7939
    I'm good now. I haven't had any symptoms since early this week. I think I kicked it this time. Thank you.
      May 29, 2020 5:56 PM MDT

  • 2327
    Well that's great news! :)

    Are you considering an antibody test? I might do it, I was sick twice during this pandemic. Makes me wonder If I've had it. 
      May 29, 2020 7:13 PM MDT

  • 6098
    My goodness I do hope you are feeling better!

    No way of knowing if the cold I had at the end of February or  my husband a week later or so was that virus. Really you are the only person I know about who had had it or claimed to. Mostly had just seemed everyone is afraid - not sure why - seems they never were before. Just something in the newspapers and they talk about "death tolls" and "a state of emergency" and people are walking around with masks on and walking 30 feet out of my way so they won't pass close to me.  Not sure if they are afraid they might catch old age - which they already have!

    When I had my cold it started I think on a Tuesday evening and was pretty bad for two days with a lot of hallucinating. Needless to say I stayed home from work. I really had no appetite for several days though I would force myself to eat a little something evenings. And of course cooked for my husband except for the first two days. By the following Tuesday my appetite had returned and we entertained my niece and her family. Then a day or two later Gerry came down with it or something like it.

    All that was before people got afraid. I had fallen and to get a referral to an orthopedist I visited a primary care physician where it is possible I picked it up. I don't know.  It was just like a bad cold except I had no appetite. But then I was about due for a cold. 

    Gerry and I have continued going to work really without even discussing it at first. In my office where there had been ten women there have since been only two or three and sometimes I have been alone.  People were allowed to go home and our creative teams have been working from home. All of Gerry's people have been working but that is usually outside and on location. 

    Eventually when the governor started making proclamations and limiting people's right to earn a living I was forced to consider political motivations. Gerry and I have discussed quite a lot about this. Because there are ramifications which go beyond any possible medical consequences.  
      June 1, 2020 9:03 AM MDT