The leader is the front man front woman and there is no one in front of him or her.
Those surrounded by othes are followers. Those at the very end and tagalongs.
Not everyone wants to be a leader. Yet in reality, everyone is one. What is a leader? Is it someone who commands other people (a boss, a general, a governor, a president)? Is it someone who wields authority (a scoutmaster, a pope)? No, a leader is simply someone who leads. We can’t all be a general, or a president, but everyone can lead. However, we can lead simply by how we conduct our lives (lead by example). What “way” (path) are you showing others? The path of selfishness and pride? (much like the current president). Or are you showing them the path to be a better person? (overcome addiction, be a better spouse). No matter what you say or do, someone will follow you. It could be a child, a friend, a neighbor, a coworker, or even a stranger. You may never see a throng of followers tagging along behind you, but whether you like it or not, you will lead someone.