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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The powers that be social distanced and worshipped GOD on a golf course on Sunday. He wanted others in church jammed tight. What's the diff?

The powers that be social distanced and worshipped GOD on a golf course on Sunday. He wanted others in church jammed tight. What's the diff?

GOD is wherever you want HIM to be...whatever is convenient for you there HE will be.

For the powers that be on Saturday he golfed and on Sunday in the presence GOD on a golf course he golfed.
No mask needed. Social distancing is a part of solitary golfing. Does GOD love the don less for his worshipping HIM while hitting a small ball on the ground outside than HE does the worshippers jammed together in pews in churches?

Posted - May 26, 2020


  • 10759

    He doesn't give a squat about God (his actions show that).  He wants - nay, demands - that things go back to "normal RIGHT NOW so he can gloat. 

    The only thing this idiot cars about is himself.  He causes hot topics like religion so that everyone will look at him.  If he picks the most popular side, he’ll look like a hero (everyone praise me for all that I have done for you so you can praise me).  If he picks the wrong side, however, he quickly distances himself from it (I never said that, I don’t know that person) and chooses another topic.  Right now, there are a few loudmouthed religious people out there demanding that it’s their right to infect others (it’s quite clear that they do not know what’s in the book they claim to hold dear).  So our “leader” quickly backs them, just so he can be the center of attention.  He doesn’t care about their “cause” he just wants glory.  In fact, he doesn’t have a clue as to what he’s saying (or the consequences of his actions), as he can’t restrain his mouth.  What a few loudmouths don’t understand is that these “rules” are simply meant to keep people alive.  Yet they claim that it’s a conspiracy meant to take away their rights (and trump proudly echoes it).  Their loud mouths and stupid actions only serve to demonstrate their ignorance.   The only one taking away people’s rights is trump, but they are too blind to see that. 

    This president only wants money and self-glory.  To him, this virus is a strain on his otherwise perfect record.  He touts, “look how high I made the stock market go.  Look at all the jobs I crated.  Look at all I have done (I am so great)”.  Yes, look at the death toll because he refused to take action (it’s a hoax by the democrats just to discredit me).   He had a chance to step up and actually BE a real hero (for once)… but instead he threw the mantle of responsibility onto others so if anything went wrong it wouldn’t tarnish his image (their problem, not mine (I'm so great)).

      May 26, 2020 12:18 PM MDT

  • 113301
    The FACT that IT made a big deal about houses of worship opening wide and then played golf on Sunday tells us everything we need to know about IT. A phony a fake a snake oil sales sap. Nothing more than that. That so many buy into that act blows my mind. There are far more stupid dumbs in the world than I imagined and I am very good at imagining. Not this time. IT is on a roll as troll which is what IT has always been. ITS adoring worshippers believe IT is very smart. IT is very not so are they very not as well. It happens. Thank you for your thoughtful reply Shuhak. IT is not creative inventive or imaginative. ITS delusions are all IT has to offer. This post was edited by RosieG at May 27, 2020 1:05 PM MDT
      May 27, 2020 12:41 PM MDT