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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » AWESOME news delivered to us by a Canadian Ansermug friend. The two cruel vile lies that IT tweeted were flagged as misleading! WHAT?

AWESOME news delivered to us by a Canadian Ansermug friend. The two cruel vile lies that IT tweeted were flagged as misleading! WHAT?

Yep. The powers that be tweeted or re vile ugly lies and the widower of the person involved in that lying SOB"s tweet wrote an impassioned letter to the head of Twitter BEGGING him to remove the two vile cruel evil scurrilous tweets that hurt the family VERY DEEPLY.

The Twitter guy refused to remove them but said he would flag them as being misleading! EVEN BETTER!

It leaves the lies intact and the spreader of ITS specific brand of poopy manure exposed out in the open and then nails IT (the powers that be) by flagging it as MISLEADING!

This will occupy IT the rest of ITS life. It will tweet about that and and that will be tagged MISLEADING and IT will rebut that and that will be labeled MISLEADING so IT (the powers that be) will be consumed with his busybox of rebuttals. Wouldn't that be supersplendid loverly? Carry on IT. Tweet all ya want and lie all ya want in those tweets. YOU WILL BE NAILED FOR IT EACH TIME. A loverly round robin of circular. Running faster and faster like any other hamster in place and getting nowhere. Running in place. Faster and faster and faster and faster! Best exercise IT will ever get. Maybe IT will be too busy to eat so he can lose some weight get in shape.

Posted - May 27, 2020
