A CHESSMASTER takes on everyone. A CHESSMASTER can play multiple games at a time and keep track of all lof them.
No one can beat a CHESSMASTER but another CHESSMASTER.
None of the pieces has a life of its own. All of the pieces are dependent upon the whims of the player.
Of course you know where I'm going with this.
How masterful a CHESSMASTER is the powers that be in your opinion? So far no one has bested IT. This CHESSMASTER IS QUEERLY PECULIAR. One of a kind. Plays by its own rules and forces those upon all opponents. The rulles keep changing to keep all opponents off balance. Will it take an EQUALLY QUEERKY PECULIAR chessmaster to best IT?
If you were a betting person on whom would you place your bet? The devil we know or the yet-to-be unknown devil we don't?