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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Twitter didn't roll over for the don of johns. Twitter slapped another label on the don. Advocating violence. What's don of johns gonna do?

Twitter didn't roll over for the don of johns. Twitter slapped another label on the don. Advocating violence. What's don of johns gonna do?

Girding for battle.

The  don of johns versus TWITTER.
 Old hat. Reactionary. Racist. Vicious. Typical of don of johns. He wants to energize his racist base and he does and did do and will.

The racist words that the don of johns COPYCATTED are allegedly from a very RACIST FLORIDIAN way back in the 60's! Got nuthin' current there ya old stringbean that ya go back to a bazillion decades to find some bloody red meat you can throw at your attack dogs? Tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk.

Posted - May 29, 2020
