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Randy D
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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » He shows up. Reads a scripted speech off the Teleprompter. Turns tail and runs away without taking any questions. The new MO for don john?

He shows up. Reads a scripted speech off the Teleprompter. Turns tail and runs away without taking any questions. The new MO for don john?

Used to be he shoot the breeze for hours and hours and hours enjoying the attention and the chances to take shots at all his enemies, vilify the press, insult those present and generally wax poetic about his greatness his wondrousness his brilliance his accomplishments as he badmouthed those who came before. He never tired of that,looked forward to and loved to show off for his base.

Not yesterday. That was scared don of many johns. Very.

New schtick MO or one-time only? Well in a "certain period of time" we will discover that I s'pose.

Posted - May 30, 2020
