Obviously they got nothing of their own so they HAVE to ride the coattails of others to get attention.
"When the looting starts the shooting starts" tweeted recently by the don of many johns in response to the Minneapolis folks' protests of the murder by cop(s) of another innocent black man. That comment was Labeled as violent speech on Twitter. I guess from now it the don of johns will be tracked and labeled. What could it hurt? What we got to lose?
First said by Walter E. Headley in 1967. He was the Chief of Police in Miami known for use of racist tactics in patrols of black neighborhoods.
See how far back the don of many johns' minions had to go to scrape the bottom of a very old barrel?
Should be embarrassing humiliating but that would require having a conscience. Anathema to the don and cabal et al
Anyway it's good that Twitter now automatically labels things for what they are. Yes you have the right to freely speak. We have the right to freely CONDEMN that speak. And so it goes. What's up for today? In a certain period of time we will learn that.