People don’t care.
Most states are trying to open up safely (for everyone), but the people just don’t give a flying rats behind. They want what they want NOW! Screw masks! Screw social distancing! Screw authority! They’re going to do what they darn well please, and ain’t no one gonna stop them! Oh, some people do care. They KNOW what will happen and they do not want it. Arguably, some “care” out of selfish reasons, but a few actually care about the well-being of others, not just themselves.
But this is America, land of the rebellious. No one can tell us what to do, because we got our rights! We got a self-centered, self-appointed king in the Whitehouse, and if he can do it then so can we (woo-hoo! It’s a free-for-all). So burn your masks, get out your guns, mass together, and go thin down the heard!! Screw the elderly! Screw the sickly! They don’t deserve to live! Screw authority! They’re only out to keep us from enjoying life!
Sad ain’t it? A once proud nation reduced to a bunch of worthless insensitive, callous self-seeking degenerates. We can’t put all the blame on the leader. People are making their own choices. They want to be this way. ... and it's only going to get worse.