We don’t have a president we have a self-appointed king. A king who thinks he has absolute power and can do or say anything he wants – without consequence. And he’s even trying to rule the world.
Unfortunately, we’re going to see what he can do. As soon as he's booted from office (November) he's going to trash this country. He’ll pardon everyone, pass “proclamations” favoring himself (future money), fire any and everyone he can, appoint more of his cronies …. You name it and he’ll do it.
2-1/2 months. Inauguration day isn’t until January 20. Of course he’ll spend most of November tying to overturn the vote - declaring it fraudulent or biased (fake?), demanding recounts (trying to prolong his term in office), calming vast percentages of eligible voters went allowed to vote or voted multiple times, … anything he can think of to try and invalidate it.