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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "WE HAVE INJUSTICE IN THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM.' Per New York Governor Cuomo who tells the honest truth. What other pol today DARES to?

"WE HAVE INJUSTICE IN THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM.' Per New York Governor Cuomo who tells the honest truth. What other pol today DARES to?

He connects the Covid 19 worst sufferers with the violence that afflicts the African Americans.

Would you dare to do that under the current political situation where the don of johns is ever watchful as are his millions of minions?

Returning hate for hate multiplies hate. Per the New York Guv. True and isn't that what we all do every day in every way we can? We don't return the hate we get with love ordinarily normally typically. Per the don of johns we DOUBLE DOWN and return double the hate.

Eventually it will destroy us. The don of johns believes that is a winning stategy. It's worked for him so far. What fix what ain't broke?

Posted - May 30, 2020


  • Yep, there's injustice in every single agency of endeavor that includes human beings. As humans are flawed, so are their institutions. Anyone looking for perfection where people are the architects of the project, are in an exercise of futility. How long, pray tell, did it take the governor to come up with that little pearl of wisdom? It doesn't require any special moral authority or daring to come to that seismic revelation. 
      May 30, 2020 10:06 AM MDT