What is the best FIRE retardant to use to put out an accelerant? Stop it COLD IN ITS TRACKS? DOUSE IT?
What mitigates/ameliorates that which exacerbates? FASTEST AND BESTEST?
The many johns of don has never calmed anything down, put any fire out, tried to help any people simmer down get a grip and act like adults like human beings rather than like frantic crazed insane inane profane insects.
We know what we know. That we know.
What we don't know exactly is what we don't know precisely.
The unknown white knight? The unknown white knightess? Where is our Joan of Arc when we needeth her? Not to die by ire but to win battles! Where is our Galahad? Or even our Robinhood? Or better yet our Robin Williams? Oh. But that is a question for another time another place another dimension.