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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The newest fakeAG liddlebillybarrroycohn plan to guarantee the don's win in November is a doozy. Know what it is?

The newest fakeAG liddlebillybarrroycohn plan to guarantee the don's win in November is a doozy. Know what it is?

All prodons will get ballots IN THE MAIL this week. All prodons will vote for Don and then deliver their finished ballots to their local RNC hangout. From there they will be taken to Fort Knox for "safekeeping" where they will be "counted" and locked safely away.

Election day comes and guess what? The don has already won! Seriously isn't that a brilliant way to guarantee something?

Oh. Of course between now and then the republican state powers that be will see to it that all polling places are limited to one per state and that voting by mail is illegal. Doesn't matter if you are an invalid and cannot walk. You either vote in person on election day or you lose.

How can it fail? Isn't it a brilliant way to get your way no matter what?

Would you expect anything less from the brilliant mind of the fake AG liddlebillybarrroycohn? The don is most well pleased with his plump little lackey. Most well pleased.

So all prodons can sleep at night until election day arrives being rest assured the don will win the won will win the won will win.

Posted - June 2, 2020
