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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The BIBLE PROP photo op that don thought would be a great idea turns out it wasn't. He angered many but you know what?

The BIBLE PROP photo op that don thought would be a great idea turns out it wasn't. He angered many but you know what?

It was so OFFENSIVE to some folks it GLAVANIZED THEM into action. They are now participatiing in the protest whereas before they thought it was not their fight. They were wrong. It is everyone's fight excluding the don approvers of course. With them everything he does is fine and always will be. Different strokes etcetera etcetera etcetera.
Think about it.

A prez wants attention. He orders clearance of where he wants to stage his great idea by having peaceful protesters teargassed so they will move away and clear the area. It happens and he gets it cleared.

He shows up with BIBLE in hand and stands in front of a church waving BIBLE rather awkwardly.The purpose of which is what exactly? In his mind it will show we the people how very tough and strong and GOD fearing he is? Really? Is that how you reacted to finding out the details? Admiration not disgust? We can expect more of the same and that is just exactly what you are hoping for?


Posted - June 3, 2020
