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"MY DADDY HAS CHANGED THE WORLD". Allegedly said by George Floyd's young daughter. Today will be DAY TEN of protest. Is she right?

Posted - June 4, 2020


  • 549
    Hi Rosie,
    In a sense, his death may turn out to have changed the world if it influences the result of the Presidential election. 

    But don't the protests contravene the stay-at-home orders in most states? I wonder how many people will have contracted Covid-19 as a result, and die from it? Collateral damage?
      June 4, 2020 11:50 PM MDT

  • 113301
    It is a two-edged sword. However donjohnchump insists that at the republican political prez convention no one will be allowed to wear masks or social distance. He wants a PACKED HOUSE like the good old days and has pulled the convention from North Carolina because the Governor is refusing his demands. I believe Texas has offered up its facilities. Other states too possibly.

    Some protesters wore masks. Some didn't. This protest is larger than anything folks have protested for before. It is global and it affects every African American everywhere and every non who agrees that African Americans have been the scapegoats and whipping posts for the world since time began or record-keeping began. The anger and frustration is evident..even in the most scholarly among them. IMAGINE having to have "the talk" with your young sons about what they have to do to stay alive vis a vis cops? Every single African American family has had that talk and I must tell you that in itself is heartbreaking.  If you were African American rev and I don't know that you aren't what words would YOU use to caution your child about how little his life is valued in the outside world? Sigh. Maybe this is the straw that will change things. Maybe it will die out and things will "get back to normal". I hope not. Thank you for your reply. Did I answer your questions? Some things are more important than life or death. "Give me liberty or give me death".  A white man's statement. In a world where skin color is a ticket to potentially being murdered things are not quite that simple. This post was edited by RosieG at June 5, 2020 3:45 AM MDT
      June 5, 2020 2:36 AM MDT

  • 549
    Well, I am of course writing from an outsider's perspective . . . I do not claim to know much about the protesters, what their long-goals are, or what percentage of them are nonviolent (hopefully most). I guess I have my doubts about whether street protests are the best way to have a national conversation about the issues of the day, if they're taking place in what is already a strained, confrontational atmosphere . . . my instinct would have been to withdraw and allow a cooling-off period after the first two days until things had settled down . . . but then again, they say "strike while the iron is hot", so I suppose the protesters just want to keep up the momentum whilst the media focus is still on policing and race, for fear that it would just get forgotten and buried otherwise.

    Sorry if I seem a little cynical about the protests, but I feel that for many Brits the whole thing will have brought back some very bad memories of the riots of 2011 - these followed a similar pattern at least in the early stages, they started when a planned protest vigil over the police shooting of a black man in disputed circumstances in Tottenham, North London, turned nasty - it led to innumerable copycat incidents of looting and arson all over London and beyond, although in our case it was somewhat different in that 99% of the incidents didn't have even the most threadbare political motivation, it was all just criminal opportunism and destructiveness. Much as we loathe police brutality and racism, we fear chaos even more. Police brutality, including heavy-handed policing of demonstrations and deaths of black people in custody, was quite an issue back in the 1980s, nowadays we don't seem to hear so much of it, so it appears things have changed, I don't know why.

    Anyway thanks for sharing your perspective on this, and hope you continue to keep well!
      June 5, 2020 5:25 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Thank you for your thoughtful reply Rev. This is what I know. In America it is a way of life that a white cop will murder an unarmed innocent black man and get away with it. It happens all the time and has for I guess centuries. This time however it was done in front of people with cameras who took photos of what was going on from all angles so we get to see every minute of how the victim was purposely murdered in real time. That hasn't happened before to this extent. We see him handcuffed on the ground both legs pinned down by two cops. The 3rd is standing watch admiring the goings on apparently since he did nothing. The MURDERER has his knee on the neck of the victim who says from time to time "I CAN'T BREATHE". The same exact words that were said a few years ago by another innocent young black men who was murdered by the use of a chokehold. We saw some of that but it didn't take as long nor was the film as clear. After the pulse was no longer apparent and one cop said "I can't feel the pulse" the murderer continued to press his knee in the neck of the dead man for almost 4 minutes. So you see why RAGE that exploded don't you? WORLDWIDE not just confined to America. WORLDWIDE all African American were outraged. They all have lived in the shadow of possibly being murdered by a cop. But this time it was not only African Americans who were outraged. EVERYONE WHO SAW IT (excluding white supremacists and other racists) was appalled enraged infuriated and moved to DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT THIS TIME!. Yesterday was day ten of the protest. Today will be the 11th day in a row if protests continue. To exacerbate the outrage stage left I give you donjohnchump. He ordered police to teargas and beat up PEACEFUL PROTESTERS because donjohnchump wanted to do his BIBLE PROP PHOTO OP in the space they were occupying. So they did and he did and the sh** hit the fan and all he is getting for that stupid dumb BLASPHEMOUS act is blow back from everyone. Did you see that photo of him waving a BIBLE in front of a church?. THAT WAS STAGED on the backs of the peaceful protesters. I have never been teargassed or beaten nor have I been shot with rubber bullets but that happened to the peaceful protesters AS WELL AS REPORTERS. That fueled the fire. If you have any questions I haven't answered I'm here Rev. :)
      June 5, 2020 8:15 AM MDT