Well the murderer was charged with 3rd degree murder which has been changed to SECOND DEGREE.
The 3 watcher cops have all been charged with AIDING AND ABETTING.
I s'pose this mean a jury trial will be happening. Here's the fear.
How many times have cops been charged, tried, convicted of anything versus how times have cops WALKED?
The massive protests about the murder has led to the larger issue of rampant centuries old RACISM. It was the murder of another innocent unarmed black man who was of no danger to them as he was handcuffed and on the ground yet they murdered him anyway due to being black. It is a hazard you know. Being black.
Finally it has erupted worldwide and THIS TIME PEOPLE OF ALL COLORS ARE MARCHING IN PROTEST!
Yes. That is correct. PEOPLE OF ALL COLORS ARE MARCHING TOGETHER IN PROTEST and there have been protest marches in other countries of sympathy but also of people there who were also sick and tired of it.
OK. Now what comes next? WE know what comes next and we also think we know the possible outcome. It might harder to come by THIS time to completely exonerate all 4 white cops but it has been known to have been hundreds of times in the past. No jury would convict a white copy of ever doing anything to a black person. Now if it were a white person maybe possibly but a black person? No way.
The wise and profoundly loved Dr. Phil sez you predict future behavior based on past behavior. Makes sense.
Past behavior of juries is to not convict whites for doing harm to blacks.
Will that past behavior show up again? If it does I predict massive unpeaceful protests. If peace didn't work they will try something to get the attention of the people who are simply NOT PAYING ATTENTION. I hope I'm wrong. Maybe a jacka** can change its spots. There is a first time for everything. Supposedly. A first time for JUSTICE? I dunno.
How does "antifa" rioting and looting benefit the left during other protests?
It doesn't.
That group doesn't care what the protest is about. They only see it as a screen for their destructive behavior.
Has any of the graffiti been White Supremacist slogans or symbols?
The only ones I've seen have been Anarchist ... which ties to the "antifa" MO.
Has any of the destruction targeted minority property?
What I've seen, it's targeted big corporations ... which ties to the "antifa" MO.
I don't know if the violence is by "antifa" or White Supremacists ... or both.
But from what little images I've seen ... it looks like the "antifa" MO, more than the usual White Supremacist MO.