Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Excluding the shills who came in to inflame exacerbate (white supermacists) the peaceful protests have gone quite well. The new fear?

Excluding the shills who came in to inflame exacerbate (white supermacists) the peaceful protests have gone quite well. The new fear?

Well the murderer was charged with 3rd degree murder which has been changed to SECOND DEGREE.

The 3 watcher cops have all been charged with AIDING AND ABETTING.

I s'pose this mean a jury trial will be happening. Here's the fear.

How many times have cops been charged, tried, convicted of anything versus how times have cops WALKED?

The massive protests about the murder has led to the larger issue of rampant centuries old RACISM. It was the murder of another innocent unarmed black man who was of no danger to them as he was handcuffed and on the ground yet they murdered him anyway due to being black. It is a hazard you know. Being black.

Finally it has erupted worldwide and THIS TIME PEOPLE OF ALL COLORS ARE MARCHING IN PROTEST!

Yes. That is correct. PEOPLE OF ALL COLORS ARE MARCHING TOGETHER IN PROTEST and there have been protest marches in other countries of sympathy but also of people there who were also sick and tired of it.

OK. Now what comes next? WE know what comes next and we also think we  know the possible outcome. It might harder to come by THIS time to completely exonerate all 4 white cops but it has been known to have been hundreds of times in the past. No jury would convict a white copy of ever doing anything to a black person. Now if it were a white person maybe possibly but a black person? No way.

The wise and profoundly loved Dr. Phil sez you predict future behavior based on past behavior. Makes sense.

Past behavior of juries is to not convict whites for doing harm to blacks.

Will that past behavior show up again? If it does I predict massive unpeaceful protests. If peace didn't work they will try something to get the attention of the people who are simply NOT PAYING ATTENTION. I hope I'm wrong. Maybe a jacka** can change its spots. There is a first time for everything. Supposedly. A first time for JUSTICE? I dunno.

Posted - June 4, 2020


  • 6023
    That's an interesting theory, Rosie.
    Do you have any evidence that the violence is being done by White Supremacists?
    I have read a few stories proposing this theory, but not seen any facts - only speculation.

    It would be a radical change in their MO ... going from counter protests, to infiltrating pro-minority protests.

    It seems far more likely to me, that the violence is being done by the normal "antifa" members.
    People who seem to take any opportunity involving a protest, to engage in destruction of property.
    People who also commonly "bus in" members.
    People who also are overwhelmingly young, white, and male.
      June 4, 2020 12:45 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Who would gain most from violence? donjohnchump of course. Who are the biggest supporters of donjohnchump? The "VERY GOOD PEOPLE" who marched in Charlottesville chanting about "Jews will not overtake us" or whatever they were chanting. I'm just deducing that from figuring who would benefit most. It would not be the protesters who are rightfully protesting peacefully an enormous injustice. How would it benefit the left at all? What would be the purpose of undermining peaceful protesters when the left is always protesting the insidious vicious evil that the donjohnchump represents promulgates propagates and gets off on? Mere logic my friend. Sometimes that's all we have. Thank you for your reply Walt. You still working right? So you pop in here from time to time? That is so cool and nifty. Thanks. So how do you refute my logic? I'm all ears. This post was edited by RosieG at June 4, 2020 1:40 PM MDT
      June 4, 2020 1:18 PM MDT

  • 6023

    How does "antifa" rioting and looting benefit the left during other protests?
    It doesn't.
    That group doesn't care what the protest is about.  They only see it as a screen for their destructive behavior.

    Has any of the graffiti been White Supremacist slogans or symbols?
    The only ones I've seen have been Anarchist ... which ties to the "antifa" MO.

    Has any of the destruction targeted minority property?
    What I've seen, it's targeted big corporations ... which ties to the "antifa" MO.

    I don't know if the violence is by "antifa" or White Supremacists ... or both.
    But from what little images I've seen ... it looks like the "antifa" MO, more than the usual White Supremacist MO.

      June 4, 2020 1:55 PM MDT

  • 113301
    I gave you my reasoning. I cannot answer any of your questions Walt. So we disagree. There are worse things in life. You have heard of folks (say white supremacists for instance) masquerading as another group all dressed in black ( like ANTIFA for instance) so they would be blamed have you not? It matters not. I DO NOT know. I posit that the group responsible can only benefit donjohnchump. Why would ANTIFA want that? Why would peaceful protesters want that? Why would white supremacists NOT WANT THAT?  Beyond that I have no comment. I have shot my wad so to speak so I have nothing. Thank you for your reply. I still think I'm right so you didn't do any damage to my head. I still think it's the donjohnchump who is benefitting from it and even go so far as to say he ordered it. Demanded it. Insisted upon it. To give him ammunition to be tough you see since that means so much to him. Whatever.

    This post was edited by RosieG at June 4, 2020 2:04 PM MDT
      June 4, 2020 2:01 PM MDT

  • 19937
    I cannot imagine anyone on a jury watching the video and not thinking that Chauvin crossed a line.  Floyd was of absolutely no threat to any of them.  The news last night reported that one of the three who stood by asked if Floyd should be turned on his side and the answer (presumably from Chauvin) was, "No."  Even assuming Floyd was guilty of paying for something with counterfeit money, he didn't deserve a death sentence.  
      June 4, 2020 12:48 PM MDT

  • 113301
    I asked what the punishment is for someone who uses counterfeit money and so far no answer. Here's the problem with that. You or I may be given a fake bill and how do we  know it's fake? Perhaps you know it on sight L but I don't. So then I purchase something with funny money unknowingly. How do I convince the powers that be that I didn't know? It gets very tricky and so since forgery is not a life and death matter and low man on a totem pole in my opinion I think whatever the punishment is can't be all that awful. You catch a guy printing his own money and passing it around. Does he deserve life in prison? 10 years? A slap on the wrist? I mean who gets hurt compared to ending up dead? I dunno L. To me forgery is like a woman getting breast implants to oomph up. It's phony and fake and but who gets hurt? Same with a small nose when you were born looking like Cyrano de Bergerac? You're fooling people and if you ever had a kid guess what nose that kid will have? The same one you were born with so another plastic surgery will be done and so on and so on and so on. Where does it end? SIGH. Thank you for your reply m'dear. I think I digressed. Apologies! :)
      June 4, 2020 1:37 PM MDT

  • 19937
    I don't know what the punishment would be for passing phony money.  I'm guessing that a lot would depend on whether or not you knew it was counterfeit and how much of it you were trying to pass.  I know that sometimes when I am on a cashier's line, they will take a bill handed to them, hold it up to the light - most likely to see if that string of letters and numbers can be seen.  Sometimes they use a pen with special ink to make a line across the bill.  Irrespective of the circumstances, Floyd did not deserve to die over passing a $20.00 bill, even assuming he did that.
      June 4, 2020 8:37 PM MDT

  • 113301
    He was murdered in a most gruesome painful way and the video coverage of that will be his legacy to his daughter and wife and those who loved him. How GROTESQUE is that? SIGH. Pedofiles should be murdered on tV but not innocent black men. I don't care of Floyd owned a printing press and printed his own funny money! Since when is the punishment for that DEATH BY KNEE IN THE NECK IN FRONT OF THE WORLD? It is unconscionable and what these murderer and aider/abettors deserves is that their families and small children see that tape over and over and over and over again so they what scum they come from. A fine thing to give your children. Knowledge they were spawned from monsters. Whatever. Thank you for your reply L! :)
      June 5, 2020 11:37 AM MDT

  • 19937
    I agree.  Happy Friday. :)
      June 5, 2020 11:41 AM MDT

  • 113301
      June 5, 2020 11:42 AM MDT

  • I'm still awaiting the so called peaceful protests. All I've seen so far is innocent people badgered, harassed and humiliated in public by thugs who have torched every major city in the US. In every case that's been made public, people have been led around by the nose like sheep forced to bend bow, drop to a knee and beg. Can't wait until January when the Socialist Democrat Regime begins especially now that Crazy Joe Biden and his mentor Barack see this as a "transformative opportunity". These heroes of the "proletariat" seem to agree that releasing every person incarcerated in the fifty states along with the abolition of any law enforcement on a local, state and federal level is somehow a honey of a deal. As we watch the last vestiges of civilization go up in flames, one can't help but wonder who is the administrative and financial brain trust of this little foray into anarchy. It sure isn't the mental midgets I've seen nightly wearing their pants below their ass as they carry out their thievery and destruction. This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at June 4, 2020 2:07 PM MDT
      June 4, 2020 2:05 PM MDT