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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Was it worth it? If the united states of america becomes just another banana republic under the thumb of a despot dictator was it worth it?

Was it worth it? If the united states of america becomes just another banana republic under the thumb of a despot dictator was it worth it?

If that dd (despot dictator) successfully turns the military AGAINST THE PEOPLE as happens in other banana republics was the "noble" experiment all for nothing?

Whatever the Founding Fathers envisioned America to be having it turn out like that would not be it.

All the trouble they went to then to be so meticulous about stating the rights and the duties in infinite detail. For what? For naught?

The folks who fled England to come here fled KINGLY dominance. DOMINATE is what the donjohnchump advocates.

THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE is all about the wrongs of the King in excruciating detail.

It is ironic that long ago people fought to unshackle themselves from an unworhy king and to end up once again oppressed suppressed by a "king" they elected? Why waste hundreds of years to end up right back where you started?

HAVE YOU EVER READ THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE? I bet donjohnchump hasn't. He never reads anything so t'is doubtful.

And the beat goes on. In a "certain period of time" we shall see what you want. Despot dictators are a dime a dozen. The United States Presidency used to be something grand. Used to be could be should be.Is no longer. Gone forever that elusive dream? We shall see. It's up to you what you want.

Posted - June 5, 2020
