COVID 19 PANDEMIC and all the infected the ill the dying and the dead...made worse on his watch by his indolence ignorance ridicule mockery. He will NEVER LIVE THAT DOWN FOREVER. NEVER.
The TV murder by COP of yet another unarmed innocent young black man who was handcuffed on the ground with legs held down while the knee-in-neck murderer murdered away.
In NO WAY was he a threat to anyone. Especially 5 minutes of knee in neck when one of them said "I can't feel a pulse". Knee in neckmurderer continued his kneeing for almost 4 minutes more? Wanted to make sure the dead man was really dead...deader than a doornail...with no way of bining him back. Then he finally lifted his knee knowing with great pride what an awesome job he done did on a helpless mah. The pride of his career.
Now will he eventually walk? Will yet another jury NOT COVICT them? What do you think will happen THIS TIME? Anything different?