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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Why does BLACK represent evil and WHITE good? In westerns the bad guys wore black hats. Brunettes were evil blondes angelic. Why?

Why does BLACK represent evil and WHITE good? In westerns the bad guys wore black hats. Brunettes were evil blondes angelic. Why?

Simplistic. Superficial. No thinking required. No investigation no research no search for truth needed. All ya gotta do is look and that's the only thing required to decide if someone is worth your time or gets your contempt.

Color matters. Why? Because YOU say it does that's why. Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?

Simpleminded simpletons are the ones in charge. Simpleminded simpletons want them to be and that I can't understand for the life of me. Can you?

Intelligence scares the crap out of many so they flee from it as if being around intelligence will destroy them.

That isn't what is destroying us. It is LACK of it. Not only settling for the least among us but seeking it and defending it and supporting it and PREFERRING it to what is better smarter more reasonable more sensible more HUMANE.

So then that is what is lauded and supported and defended and preferred. The inhuman indifferent cold  simpleton. SIGH. WHY?

Posted - June 6, 2020
