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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Some "famous" 18 year old twit said she is tired of hearing that black lives matter. She profoundly said all lives matter! Smart or dumb?

Some "famous" 18 year old twit said she is tired of hearing that black lives matter. She profoundly said all lives matter! Smart or dumb?

It isn't ALL LIVES that are being murdered you ignotant twit!

IT IS BLACK LIVES THAT ARE BEING TAKEN. That's the point. How stupid dumb are the young who have no skills or interest vis a vis comprehending what surrounds them. Have no interest in researching investigating finding out the WHY. Just spout off because they think they're hot stuff and wax stupid as if they have a lock on truth.

I don't know her name. But allegedly she is known to many. And so it goes. Famous dumb carries weight. Why I don't know.

Is in't that just black lives matter. It's BLACK LIVES  MATTER TOO.

Posted - June 6, 2020
