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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Y'all absolutely agree with the tumbleweed prez when he sez he has done more for blacks than any president since Abraham Lincoln" don'tcha?

Y'all absolutely agree with the tumbleweed prez when he sez he has done more for blacks than any president since Abraham Lincoln" don'tcha?

Can you list for me exactly WHAT tubby has done that eclipses what Lyndon Johnson did for CIVIL RIGHTS? Please and thank you. I'm waiting.

Posted - June 6, 2020


  • Well now, let's just see about that. Lincoln was a pragmatic and shrewd politician who was also something of an opportunist. His release of the Emancipation Proclamation which became effective in January of 1863, followed a questionable military "success"(We'll call it a win said the Lincoln Administration)  at Antietam, but was more a concession to abolitionist pressure in many of the northern newspapers. Lincoln was in favor of the former slaves operating within their own economy and receiving fair treatment under the law, but since his second term was cut short by his death, we never got to see where he would go in the post war years concerning civil rights. In his own prewar speeches and in the debates with Douglas, it was apparent that he did not believe that the African was his equal, nor did he have any desire to cross social barriers to improve the condition of these people. By modern terms, Lincoln was a racist of the highest order, however, it's a grave mistake to judge the 19th century mindset by 21st century standards. If the freed slave had any friends during that era, it was the "Radical Republicans" who favored full citizenship with the right to vote, own property and hold public office. When state legislatures were turned over to illiterate former slaves during the ten year military occupation known as "reconstruction", it created one of the more chaotic and destructive periods in history. Now, we've moved into another violent, divisive and polarizing period with the nation's future in grave peril, thanks to the state and municipal governments controlled by leftist Democrats. Sure LBJ managed to get the civil rights and voting rights acts enacted. His "Great Society" programs also helped foster the welfare state. You cannot escape the fact that the Democrats were the party of Jim Crow, segregation, vigilantism, the so called separate but equal school systems, social and economic suppression and so on. Just as Dems were the authors of these measures, they are the finishers in today's horrendous street violence. If Trump never did a single thing on behalf of American minorities, he sure as Hell couldn't have done worse than the use 'em and lose 'em philosophy of American Liberalism compliments of the Democrat Party. The only difference this time around is that the overwhelming support of the minority has come at the price of more resentment, alienation, anger and hostility of the other groups that make up the fabric of this country. You asked the question and the answer didn't cost you a dime. 

      June 6, 2020 10:37 AM MDT