So far cops have been the major source of awful terrible horrible grotesque DAMAGE PAIN. Then a strain of infection known as white supremacists have snuck in and done their best to exacerbate things by making it appear to be the left that is so destructive.
All the while the tumbleweed prez looks on with great joy that his handiwork and efforts are finally paying off.
Attack the people
Harm the people
Subdue the people
Destroy as much as you can and blame on "the other" over and over and over and over and over again
Blame it all on his most hated enemy...the not hims the not hims the not hims. Perfect plan dont'cha think?
And the band played on. And so it goes. No one promised you a rose garden. Who says life is fair?. All is fair in love and war and the tumbleweed universe.
My way or the highway. My way or the highway. My way of the highway.
Etcetera etcetera etcetera. Why promulgate coming together when divide and conquer worked so well for adolf hitler? It works here too. Just look around you. Are you the pro hitler wanna be fan or "the other". More of the same day after day after day after day. Looking forward to more of the same the band played on. And so on and so on and so on. SIGH.