When mine was stolen it was strictly to charge things I had not ordered or authorized.
It took months to resolve and I personally was never "out" any money but the thief got away with over $900 of merchandise! Police reports and copies to credit agencies galore. It was a pain in the butt but I learned my lesson. And I was so very lucky. The fake me did not commit murder.
WHAT IF my stolen identity had been used to do much harm? To murder for example or do harm in some terrible way a perceived "enemy"? How do you fight that?
The Boogalos who pretend to be antifa so they can create grievous harm that will be blamed on others are here and working very hard to cause the greatest amount of grief to their perceived "enemy"..the not thems. The tumbleweed president's devotees and adoring worshippers will do whatever they can to DESTROY those who despise the tumbleweed. They will do/say anything to anyone to advance his goals protect his wants and annihilate those who don't fall at his feet in abject adoration and kiss his butt 24/7.
It is working. Tumbleweed and the maxi fat minions (barr) keep blaming all unrest on ANTIFA. That is the goal that is the plan that is the BIG LIE they promulgate incessantly. Every time the barr is at a microphone he antifas. So does tumbleweed. So do all of them. antifa antifa antifa is the bogey man. no matter what occurs blame it on antifa. It plays so well in Peoria. keep it up. SIGH.