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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Here's the thing. We have a cowardly scairdy KAT in the white house. Why else the overkill vis a vis his reactions to the protests?

Here's the thing. We have a cowardly scairdy KAT in the white house. Why else the overkill vis a vis his reactions to the protests?

Helicopters flying low to buzz the crowd so they would disperse
Military weaponized marching alongside national guard and cops
Teargassing beating rubber bulleting people to clear them away

The white house is more secure than Fort Knox. With each new day more and more and more is being done to keep the people away. Meanwhile inside scairdy tumbleweed lives his life in dire fear of having to confront deal with talk to listen to "the people".

What a pleasant tableau.

Is tumbleweed more scairdy cat than those subordinates who work inside or are they equally terrified?

It's very embarrassing since we are now the entertainment for the world. They all tune in every day to see what the top clown will do or order done. The joke the slapstick the bizarre the weird the peculiar. They see us and they are comforted because they aren't us. I would be too except I'm one of us so whatcha gonna do?.

How long do y'all wanna be the focal point of mockery and ridicule? I am not faulting anyone with all due respect. If I were one of THEM I'd be ridiculing and mocking us too. Wait a minit. I do. Every day in every way by asking the questions I do. Tsk tsk tsk. Where does it end or does it go on forever? Stay tuned.

Posted - June 8, 2020
