Because of why?
Because many people don’t “shive a get” (pardon my dyslexia).
Masks? We don’t need no stinkin’ masks!
The virus has brought us to a crossroads. We can either go back to how things were, cross our fingers and hope all goes well, or we can change to suit the new environment. The first path will take little effort to traverse, but it will lead through much suffering and death before eventually bringing us right back to the same crossroads. The second path will take much effort to traverse. That path is filled with many mountains that must be climbed and obstacles that must be overcome. Taking it will require us to change some of our old ways and to think up new ways of doing things. At first, this path will make us tired and sore. But if we don’t give up and turn back, eventually it will become easier to travel.
Yes, that's what I meant.
Yes, I think we will see a surge (spike?). But again, many of these people don’t care. Some who wore masks only did it to hide their faces, but most were so intent on protesting that they didn’t really care (think) about the virus. Yes there were groups of peaceful protesters who tried to do it right, but there were many more who didn’t.