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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » I think it's unwise for tumbleweed to give a "race speech" to the peaceful protesters even though his approval rating is tanking. KNOW WHY?

I think it's unwise for tumbleweed to give a "race speech" to the peaceful protesters even though his approval rating is tanking. KNOW WHY?

He was the one that ordered teargassing, rubber bullets, baton beatings of the peaceful protesters so they'd get out of his way so he could make that BIBLE PROP PHOTO OP waving the BIBLE awkwardly in front of St. John's Church by or in LaFayette Park which is where the peaceful protesters were protesting.

So how is it gonna look for HIM to give THEM a "race speech"? Not so hot.

It could enrage them and make things worse. That is tumbleweed's forte as it were. His special ity.


It flies with his base very very very bigly but it infuriates everyone else. I think he would be advised to stay hunkered in his bunker and just watch FAUX news and tweet all day long. I'm just sayin' what it could hurt is probably more certain than what it could help. Then again ya never know do ya?

Posted - June 8, 2020


  • 33932
    No. Bill Barr ordered the perimeter cleared.  They used pepper balls.  
      June 8, 2020 6:27 PM MDT