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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » YOU know why you do what you do. When you tell people why and they don't believe you how does that make you feel?

YOU know why you do what you do. When you tell people why and they don't believe you how does that make you feel?

Those who "take the knee" have told us REPEATEDLY they do in protest of racism and brutality. It has zero to do with flag or anthem or country or patriotism Zero, Zilch. Zip. Nada.

But someone like a tumbleweed insists the reason is totally different and just WON'T LISTEN.

Those who do what they do know far better why than any outsider.

I know lies are told for political leverage and self-satisfaction and making others look like "the bad guys" so the unbeliever can look like a good guy. I know that.

But the tumbleweed makes a habit out of THAT.  He took an oath that he never has kept. He works in black and white and has no eye for any other color. The worse he can make an "enemy" appear to be the better for him. He persists in this as if his life depended on it. Perhaps his political life does. Perhaps if he cannot vilify others he has nothing else to use and so that is what he does. What I don't understand is why anyone lets him get away with it and believes him. Do you know WHY?

Posted - June 9, 2020


  • 33933
    Then do not do it during the pledge of allegiance to the flag or during the national anthem. 

      June 9, 2020 3:28 AM MDT