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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » PERFECTION DOES NOT EXIST! The excuse the donothings give for DOING NOTHING! "make it perfect or fuggeddabout it"! You buy that crap?

PERFECTION DOES NOT EXIST! The excuse the donothings give for DOING NOTHING! "make it perfect or fuggeddabout it"! You buy that crap?


Then you work on it to adjust it to make it better.

THE CONSTITUTION HAS AMENDMENTS! The Founding Fathers could not anticipate what would be needed futurely which is the point and purpose of AMENDING IT.

So do nothings insist upon perfection or they will absolutely shoot it down. Usual reactionary schtick for doing nothing. Are you as SICK OF IT as I am?

Because the i's are not all dotted or the t's are not all crossed DO NOT PASS AN ANTI-LYNCHING LAW!

So let the African Americans swing from trees until the pols agree that perfection has been achieved. After all that is all they work for live for breathe for survive for! PERFECTION! Do y'all know how STUPID DUMB that is?

In the meantime if people are lynched so what?

AARGGHH! Cretins.

Posted - June 9, 2020
