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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "Bunkerboy announces sanctions on the International Criminal Court to STOP "alleged" US war crimes from being investigated! NO SH**?

"Bunkerboy announces sanctions on the International Criminal Court to STOP "alleged" US war crimes from being investigated! NO SH**?

What took bunker boy so long?

He pardoned a war criminal CONVICTED of war crimes months ago. Remember THAT dog and pony show that he showed the criminal with his family has having been sanctified baptized washed clean of his sins?

Well bunker boy is avidly rabidly obsessively against all guilts being punished. They are his peeps because he can relate because he is one of them. The only difference is "he got da power" and they don't. He will always support defend the guilty no matter how heinous the crimes. Murdering while wearing the US military uniform will never go punished as long as bunker boy lives and breathes. HE LOVES "STRONG" "TOUGH" BRUTAL CRUEL. or haven't you noticed that yet?

Posted - June 12, 2020
