He sez it is fraught with fraud. Period. End of story. So the states that only vote by mail and have for DECADES have all been fraudulent all these years? Amazing. So all elections should be thrown out and run again even with dead presidents? Why not? A reactionary guy wants to go back to what used to be. What could it hurt?
How does bunker boy KNOW this? I don't know what he knows. I know he says he listens to his gut and from the stench he pulls lots of stuff from his arse.
He is preparing the soil to scream RIGGED ELECTION when he loses. The same exact way he called the election he won RIGGED because he LOST the popular vote by almost 3 million votes and his ego couldn't stand it.
Well this will be a rigged election too according to him UNLESS he wins by a landslide both popular and electoral. The only duck who quacks "RIGGED" about an election he won. Odd Peculiar. Queer. The "best" is yet to come. Really. I wouldn't kid ya.
The other side of that skinny is that Republicans say if folks vote by mail Democrats will win and well they can't have that.
They work assiduously daily to make voting harder and harder and harder to do. Take out some polling stations. RESTRICT hours. Make equipment defective. Put more hoops up through which voters are made to jump. Etcetera. It is what they work hard all year long to do. Governors of red states and all their hoi polloi work late at night plotting and planning how ton stack the demographics deck to "MAKE SURE" they "win".
SIGH. Fun.