Yes. Over 1,000 people. Tasing can send some people into cardiac arrest. People with weak hearts or on drugs are more susceptible to death by traser than an "average healthy adult” is.
Thanks. The recent guy who was shot in the back while running away had a Taser and as he RAN AWAY he pressed it over his shoulder at the gunholding cop who murdered him. How far is the distance a Taser can reach?
Thanks. The guy who was shot in the back TWICE while he was running away from the murderer was farther away than that I think as he tasered over his shoulder while trying to run away. "Another one bites the dust". :(
I am saying... it was justified. Anytime an officer is at risk of being incapacitated and disarmed it is protocol to use lethal force. Which the use of a taser on an officer certainly could/would do.
Yes. A TASER is not considered non-lethal, it is specifically classified as less lethal than a ballistic firearm because there is the potential it can cause death. People have died after its deployment, either directly or indirectly connected with its use, such as having a pre-existing medical condition that was exasperated.