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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Larry the Kud, economics "adviser" said the virus was contained in FEBRUARY! 114,000 deaths later he shrugs it off. You too?

Larry the Kud, economics "adviser" said the virus was contained in FEBRUARY! 114,000 deaths later he shrugs it off. You too?

Dr. Fauci said his worst nightmare would be to open prematurely and have the virus spike and surge because of it.

It seems to be happening. That WORST CASE scenario is now a reality.

But the hardnosed tough bunker boy adoring worshippers don't even notice it at all. Will they notice it at all when among them some get ill or drop dead on the spot? Or will they go on oblivious to it or at least not admitting it.

Posted - June 15, 2020
